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Version 0.6.2

- **experimental** Added integration with `AnyField <>`_
- Added ``RecordList.mapped`` method similar ot Odoo's ``RecordSet.mapped`` method.
- Partial fix related to changes in Odoo versioning. See `Issue 9799 <>`_
- To ``module_utils`` plugin added ``update_module_list`` method.
- A bit of renaming (usualy used internaly) (may affect custom plugins and extensions)
  Property ``proxy``, which points to related ``Client`` instance,
  was renamed to ``client``
- Added ``tabulate`` integration. Now when app is running under IPython
  shell, it is posible to print record list, and single record as normal readable
  tables. Thanks to `Tabulate <>`_ project
- Added ability to extend Record of specific models.
  This allows records of diferent models (objects) to behave specificaly
  This may be used for example to add virtual fields in client sripts
- Little refactored connection system. Bugs with connection via SSL (https)
  seems to be fixed. As for JSON-RPC, there are some errors may be thrown,
  telling that program cannot verify certificate. as workaround
  You may pass to Client constructor kayword argument *ssl_verify=False*
- ``log_execute_console`` Added ``TimeTracker`` context manager,
  which can be used for performance testing. It makes posible
  to get total time ccode was running, and how much time was spent on RPC requests.