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Release 0.6.5

- Added ``openerp_proxy.plugins.external_ids`` plugin
- ``openerp_proxy.ext.repr``: better support of ``IPython.display.HTML`` objects representation
- ``openerp_proxy.ext.sugar``: Added ability to access plugins directly from ``client`` instance
  For example, instead of writing ``client.plugins.Test``, you may write ``client.Test``
- ``stdcall`` decorator and ``stdcall``-methods. All methods of ``orm.object.Object`` instances,
  decorated with this decorator will be visible as methods of ``orm.record.Record`` and ``orm.record.RecordList``
  instances, which means that these methods could be called in ``meth([ids], *, context=context, **)`` format.
  all automaticaly generated proxy method are marked as ``stdcall``
  This is implemented to be able to use ``dir``-based auto-completition for such method for
  ``Record`` and ``RecordList`` instances
- ``openerp_proxy.plugin.Plugins``, ``openerp_proxy.plugin.PluginManager``,
  ``openerp_proxy.service.service.ServiceManager``, ``openepr_proxy.service.service.ServiceBase`` representation
  improvements (better ``__str__`` and ``__repr__`` overrides)
- Bugfix. Automaticaly clean service caches when new service class is defined
- Added ``__contains__`` override for ``module_utils`` plugin. Thus it is posible to check
  if some addon is available on odoo easier: ``'project_sla' in client.plugins.module_utils``
  or ``'project_sla' in client.module_utils``
- Improved documentation