* Finally, there are also three jobs testing the link:http://www.coreboot.org/[coreboot], link:https://openwrt.org/[OpenWrt] and link:http://www.netbsd.org/[NetBSD] projects. The results of the tests can be seen respectively at https://reproducible.debian.net/coreboot/, https://reproducible.debian.net/openwrt/ and https://reproducible.debian.net/netbsd/.
* Just as of now, we have started with building on two different systems, so for 'amd64' we are now using two hosts, profitbricks-build1-amd64 profitbricks-build2-amd64, which both have 8 cores and 32gb ram and are sponsored by Profitbricks.
* Then we also started to test 'armhf' on four small boards donated by vagrant@d.o: two quad cores (wbq0 and cbxi4pro0) with 2gb ram and two dual cores (bpi0 and hb0) with 1gb ram, each. We hope to have powerful ARM hardware in the near future, if you can help, please talk to us!
=== jenkins.d.n jobs
These are jobs for making sure jenkins.debian.net is running smoothly.
* then we have a new script, reproducible_info.sh which just outputs key-value pairs, like "ARCH=armhf", DATETIME="Mo 10. Aug 11:56:22 CEST 2015" and "TZ=UTC" and whatever.
** this script is run on all nodes, but each run is triggered by a single job running on the main node (jenkins atm), so the results can be captured in /srv/reproducible-results/node-information/$NODE and then eg be used by reproducible_html_dashboard.sh to create the table with the differences between 1st and 2nd build...