1.0.08ba10c6c · ·
Release 1.0.0 - core logic moved to separate package: `odoo-rpc-client <https://github.com/katyukha/odoo-rpc-client>`__ - Added new parameter to ``HField`` class: ``highlighters`` that allows to highlight HTMLTable cells
0.7.1f0c0fbbd · ·
Release 0.7.1 ------------- - Bugfix in ``Client.ref`` method. now it returns ``Record`` instance, as mentioned in documentation - Added ``Record.get(field_name, default)`` method.
0.7.06a10a5f4 · ·
Release 0.7.0 - ``client.server_version`` now is aliase to ``client.services.db.server_base_version`` - Added ``services.db.server_base_version()`` which could be safely compared like: ``client.services.db.server_base_version() >= pkg_resources.parse_version('9.0')`` - Added method ``search_read`` to orm.object - Drop support of OpenERP 6.0 - ``ext.repr``: Added ability to pass table format to .as_table method tablefmt arg must be suitable for tabulate.tabulate method from [Tabulate](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/tabulate) package - Added ``openerp_proxy.experimental`` subpackage. - Refactored session logic. Logic related to database / client connection management moved to separate class ``openerp_proxy.session.ClientManager`` which can be used outside session logic. - Added ``Client.ref`` method, then returns ``Record`` instance for specified *xmlid* - Added ``Client.database_version_full`` and ``Client.database_version`` properties - Added ``Session.del_db`` and ``ClientManager.del_client`` methods - Added ``client.services.db.db_exist`` method wrapper
0.6.9c1f5d37d · ·
Release 0.6.9 ------------- - ``external_ids`` plugin now adds ``Record.as_xmlid`` method - bugfix: ensure thet record is present in cache on init of Record class - bugfix: [json-rpc], if RPC method results in None, then there is no 'result' object in response, so if there are no 'error' object, nor 'result', then suppose that 'result' is None, thus it is possible to deal with Odoo methods, that returns None as result via RPC
0.6.82915433f · ·
Release 0.6.8 - bugfix in ``HTMLTable.to_csv`` for Python 3 related to writing non-ascii characters to csv file - Link to new example added to readme - session added property index_rev, which now is used to save index in file - bugfix in ``utils.AttrDict.__dir__`` method. now it works allowing IPython auto-comlete for objects that use ``utils.AttrDict`` class - better support of last IPython shell - prefetching: - bugfix: some times when passed few fields with same names, prefetch raises strange errors (atleast on odoo 7.0 instance) - improvement: prefetch only records that have no atleast one field in cache
0.6.78826a6a0 · ·
Release 0.6.7 - Representation module improvements - HField: added ``is_header`` parameter, which in HTML representation wraps field in ``<th>`` tag instead of default ``<td>`` - ``orm.Record`` representation improvement: now it is displayed as three-column table with system field name, user visible field name and field value - Examples: - Added one more example: `RecordList Representation.ipynb <examples/RecordList Representation.ipynb>`__ - Bugfixes: - session: client._no_save attr was not set on client by default - session: connection index now saved in session too - representation: better handled cases when HField._field is callable which throws error, now, if field._silent is set, then no error will be raised - representation: if HField which results in HTML capable value displayed not inside HTMLTable, then default value representation will be used, not HTML one.
0.6.69d6f7860 · ·
Release 0.6.6 - Bugfix: Issue `#4 <https://github.com/katyukha/openerp-proxy/issues/4>`__ - Bugfix: double call to _get_registered_objects, caused be cleaning caches, on assess to any service first time - module_utils plugin fixes mostly related to __dir__ method (used for auto-complete in IPython) - added ``stdcall`` decorators to ``upgrade`` and ``install`` methods of 'ir.module.module' object - Bugfix in ``__dir__`` implementation for plugin object - added ``installed_modules`` property to ``module_utils`` plugin - better tests for this plugin
0.6.57f35c448 · ·
Release 0.6.5 - Added ``openerp_proxy.plugins.external_ids`` plugin - ``openerp_proxy.ext.repr``: better support of ``IPython.display.HTML`` objects representation - ``openerp_proxy.ext.sugar``: Added ability to access plugins directly from ``client`` instance For example, instead of writing ``client.plugins.Test``, you may write ``client.Test`` - ``stdcall`` decorator and ``stdcall``-methods. All methods of ``orm.object.Object`` instances, decorated with this decorator will be visible as methods of ``orm.record.Record`` and ``orm.record.RecordList`` instances, which means that these methods could be called in ``meth([ids], *, context=context, **)`` format. all automaticaly generated proxy method are marked as ``stdcall`` This is implemented to be able to use ``dir``-based auto-completition for such method for ``Record`` and ``RecordList`` instances - ``openerp_proxy.plugin.Plugins``, ``openerp_proxy.plugin.PluginManager``, ``openerp_proxy.service.service.ServiceManager``, ``openepr_proxy.service.service.ServiceBase`` representation improvements (better ``__str__`` and ``__repr__`` overrides) - Bugfix. Automaticaly clean service caches when new service class is defined - Added ``__contains__`` override for ``module_utils`` plugin. Thus it is posible to check if some addon is available on odoo easier: ``'project_sla' in client.plugins.module_utils`` or ``'project_sla' in client.module_utils`` - Improved documentation
0.6.4027ce4ce · ·
Release 0.6.4 - Added ``Client.user_context`` property - Bugfix in ``openerp_proxy.ext.repr`` with nested tables when, filed is a function - Fix for PR #3 - Documentation improvements
0.6.360e14eb5 · ·
Version 0.6.3 - Added ``Record.copy()`` method override. - HTML representation fixes and improvements
0.6.24d47c1ee · ·
Version 0.6.2 - **experimental** Added integration with `AnyField <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/anyfield>`_ - Added ``RecordList.mapped`` method similar ot Odoo's ``RecordSet.mapped`` method. - Partial fix related to changes in Odoo versioning. See `Issue 9799 <https://github.com/odoo/odoo/issues/9799>`_ - To ``module_utils`` plugin added ``update_module_list`` method. - A bit of renaming (usualy used internaly) (may affect custom plugins and extensions) Property ``proxy``, which points to related ``Client`` instance, was renamed to ``client`` - Added ``tabulate`` integration. Now when app is running under IPython shell, it is posible to print record list, and single record as normal readable tables. Thanks to `Tabulate <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/tabulate>`_ project - Added ability to extend Record of specific models. This allows records of diferent models (objects) to behave specificaly This may be used for example to add virtual fields in client sripts - Little refactored connection system. Bugs with connection via SSL (https) seems to be fixed. As for JSON-RPC, there are some errors may be thrown, telling that program cannot verify certificate. as workaround You may pass to Client constructor kayword argument *ssl_verify=False* - ``log_execute_console`` Added ``TimeTracker`` context manager, which can be used for performance testing. It makes posible to get total time ccode was running, and how much time was spent on RPC requests.
0.6.1038c86c4 · ·
Version 0.6.1 - DB service little bit refactored. added methods: - dump_db: wrapper around ``db.dump`` server method. - restore_db: wrapper around ``db.restore`` server methods. - ``openerp_proxy.ext.repr.HField`` added ``F()`` method, which allows to create child field instance - ``openerp_proxy.ext.repr`` improved styles for HTML representations
0.6a08f2e1f · ·
Version: 0.6 Changelog: - *Backward incompatible*: Changed session file format. *Start up imports* and *extra_paths* moved to *options* section of file. - *Backward incompatible*: ``IPYSession`` moved to ``openerp_proxy.ext.repr`` extensions. Now when using IPython notebook, this extension have to be imported first, to enable HTML representation of session object - *Backward incompatible*: Changed signature of ``Session.connect()`` method. - *Backward incompatible*: Renamed ``ERP_Proxy`` to ``Client`` and inherited objects renamed in such way (for example sugar extension module) - *Backward incompatible*: removed ``ERP_Proxy` and ``ERP_Session`` compatability aliases - *Backward incompatible*: rename ``openerp_proxy.service.service.ServiceManager.list`` to ``openerp_proxy.service.service.ServiceManager.service_list`` This affects ``Client.services`` so now ``Client.services.service_list`` should be used instead of using ``Client.services.list`` - *Backward incompatible*: reports service refactored. ``wrap_result`` parametr to report service method removed. instead added ``generate_report`` method, which is recommended to use. - Added new way reports could be generated in: ``client.services.report[<report_name>].generate(<report_data>)`` where ``report_data`` could be one of: - Record instance - RecordList instance - tuple('model.name', model_ids)) - Added HTML representation for report service objects - Changed ``store_passwords`` option meaning. now if set it will store passwords bese64 encoded, instead of using simple-crypt module. This change makes it faster to decode password, because last-versions of simple-crypt become too slow. and usualy no encryption needed here. - Experimental *Python 3.3+* support - Added ``HField.with_args`` method. - Added basic implementation of graph plugin. - Improved ``openerp_proxy.ext.log_execute_console`` extension. Added timing. - Added ``Client.clean_caches()`` method, which is used to clean cache of registered models - RecordList prefetching logic moved to cache module and highly refactored (Added support of prefetching of related fields) - Added ``Client.login(dbname, user, password)`` method. - Added ``HTMLTable.update`` method. - Added ``RecordList.copy()`` and ``RecordList.existing()`` methods. - Added ``HTMLTable.to_csv()`` method. - Added ``Client.server_version`` property - Client parametrs (dbname, user, pwd) now are not required. This is useful when working with ``db`` service (``client.services.db``)